The Poster Boy for Abuse of Authority,
Ethical Misconduct and Conflicts of Interest
Recent Event
In response to a complaint filed with the Plymouth Police Department regarding allegations of anti-Semitic comments made by Vecchi to at least one of his co-workers, in July of 2016 the town's Human Resources office requested an outside investigation into Vecchi including his alleged neo-Nazi and white supremacist tattoos. The matter was referred out to Private Investigator, retired Massachusetts State Police Detective Captain Paul J. L'Italien, for investigation. Coincidentally, some of Vecchi's co-workers have reported that in July of 2016 he may have undertaken to have his left shoulder tattoo of the Nazi double "Sig" SS rune removed by dermabrasion or laser treatments, or is possibly attempting to have it covered-up or otherwise masked or altered from its present form through the application of overlying tattoo artwork.
In legal terms, evidentiary rules allow for the introduction of testimony and other evidence of conduct an individual undertakes to "cover-up" past actions or activities. The admission of such evidence is allowed in order to prove his or her knowledge that such activity was objectionable or unlawful. In criminal cases it is referred to as "consciousness-of-guilt" which includes the destruction of evidence of the commission of a crime. In the present case, if it is proven that Vecchi has attempted to remove or otherwise alter his white supremacist and neo-Nazi tattoos, it is evidence that he knew of the objectionable and prejudicial nature of his choice of body art and took radical affirmative steps to remove evidence of his vile and offensive, anti-social political beliefs.
On June 23, 2016, Vecchi approached a local newspaper reporter at a charity wiffle-ball tournament in Brockton, another event he had not contributed to, and complained that his political opponent had made an issue of his objectionable, neo-Nazi tattoos. Vecchi, who was conspicuously dressed in a long sleeve shirt on that 90+ degree morning, claimed he had no such tattoos, and that he was proud of the symbols of his military service. For some reason, however, the reporter took Vecchi's account as fact, and missed a monumental journalistic opportunity to ask to see his tattoos in order to describe them in the article. That serious journalistic oversight cost the reporter a tremendous chance to write a factual account of the controversy, and prove Vecchi to be either a misunderstood victim, or liar, once and for all.
At that time Vecchi also claimed that he "couldn't possibly be anti-Semitic" because his wife had a Jewish relative who survived the holocaust, and he had another alleged relative who Vecchi portrayed as a stereotypical "Jewish Doctor from New York." Vecchi's cliché defense and feigned righteous indignation simply doesn't pass the sincerity smell test. As Shakespeare might say "[Vecchi] doth protest too much."
It is clear the mainstream press applies double standards when it comes to the imposition of political correctness, taking offense and declaring a simple six-pointed star to be anti-Semitic, while apparently taking no offense whatsoever at the actual, official symbol of the Nazi-SS. Apparently, when it comes to neo-Nazi, anti-Semitic, white supremacist symbolism, Scott Vecchi believes he should get a pass by invoking the defense of Democratic immunity, once again proving that if it were not for double standards, Scott Vecchi would have no standards at all.
On July 26, 2016 a Massachusetts Public Records Request (pursuant to MGL c. 66, s. 10) was mailed to the Town of Plymouth (via certified mail # 7015 0640 0005 8808 1791), seeking the aforementioned investigation report into Vecchi's racist, neo-Nazi, and anti-Semitic comments and tattoos. Legally, the recipient of such a request need only acknowledge the existence of requested documents through their actual production, or in the event they object to their production, by invoking some legal privilege under which they can be withheld. In the present case, on August 3, 2016 the Town of Plymouth had their legal counsel, Kopelman & Paige, PC (d/b/a KP Law) of Boston mail the requesting party a three (3) page letter invoking such privilege, refusing to produce the requested investigation report by the retired State Police Detective Captain. In doing so, the Town of Plymouth through their Attorney (David C. Jenkins), acknowledged the existence of the requested investigation report into Vecchi's alleged racist and anti-Semitic comments and/or tattoos, but refused to release the report on privacy grounds.
In the midst of this cover-up, the voters of Plymouth County can draw their own conclusion about Vecchi's alleged white supremacist, racist and neo-Nazi sympathies and affiliations when casting their votes for Plymouth County Sheriff on Tuesday, November 8th, 2016.
Breaking News 10/24/2016 »  



Note: All of the above-mentioned information is available to the public over the internet, or in the form of public records that can be produced in response to requests made pursuant to the Federal Freedom of Information Act (FOIA), 5 United States Code section 552, and/or the Massachusetts Public Records statute, Massachusetts General Laws chapter 66, section 10, and can be accessed from the following municipal, county and state offices, agencies and authorities: Massachusetts Bay Transit Authority; Massachusetts Executive Office of Health and Human Services; Massachusetts Office of Campaign and Political Finance; Massachusetts Office of the Secretary of State; Massachusetts State Auditor, Massachusetts State Ethics Commission; the Cape Cod Regional Transit Authority; Greater Attleboro Taunton Regional transit Authority; the Suffolk County Superior Court, the Town of Plymouth; and the Plymouth Police Department, among others.
Researched and prepared by Voters Against Vecchi
In Memoriam
This site is dedicated in memory of Attorney, photographer, graphic artist and website designer, dedicated husband,
father and fisherman extraordinaire, Luke Sweeney (April 30 1954 - August 30, 2016)